Care & Outreach

Ways to Help

Lutheran Disaster Response

Care Outreach

Care Team Volunteers
The Care Team is always in need of volunteers in these areas of service: Urgency Meals and Transportation.

To volunteer please contact Claudia Russo,
Care Team Coordinator


Care Team Assistance is available.  Please fill out a Request Form by clicking below:

Special Olympics Volunteer Opportunity

The state games for Special Olympics New Mexico is coming up starting June 1.  Included is the link to sign up to volunteer and get more information.  
Special Olympics New Mexico is also looking for specialized help from health care workers:

Volunteer with Healthy Athletes® at Summer Games

Healthy Athletes® Venue is seeking volunteers for the Summer Games health screenings! Being offered are FREE health screenings and education for Special Olympics athletes in 5 disciplines: Fit Feet (Podiatry), FUNfitness (Physical Therapy), Health Promotion (Nutrition and Health), Opening Eyes (Vision), and Special Smiles (Dental). Please spread the word that needed are health professionals and students in multiple disciplines. 

Find volunteer information by clicking the button below:

Outreach News

Upcoming Outreach Opportunity with New Mexico Ramp Project

We are in the process of scheduling another ramp build.   The two Saturdays that appear promising are June 29, or July 13.    The location for this build is in Northeast Albuquerque, near the intersection of I25 and San Antonio Drive.   If you would like to volunteer for this build, for future builds, or would like more details, please contact Tim George (email: or text/call 505.412.9016).  Also, please indicate which of the two proposed dates works best for your schedule.