Weekly Worship Resources

Weekly Liturgy

Weekly Worship Texts

In Holy Communion, God meets us in the meal. Jesus is truly present, and we come by the Spirit’s grace. You are always welcome at God’s table. All baptized believers are welcome to share in this, God’s gift to us.

Receive the bread and eat. Gluten free option by request.  Receive the wine (or juice) and drink.   Place cup in nearby basket.


Welcome to worship at Cross of Hope Lutheran Church. You are more than friends and neighbors; you are family to one another in the Lord. Take a moment to welcome each other in Christ’s love.

Preparation for Worship

Wherever you call me to go this week, Lord, may I respond like Isaiah: “Here I am. Send me” (Isaiah 6:8). And may my time at worship today strengthen me to do just that.

Prayer Ventures

Ask God to help us be attentive and responsive to how God speaks to us through Scripture, the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the work of the Spirit and the encouragement and admonition offered by our siblings in Christ.


Stewardship of your whole life

Luke 5:5,6 –Simon answered Jesus, “Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets.” When they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets were beginning to break.

Jesus’s instructions make no sense to Simon, but following them leads him to make an enormous catch of fish. Steward/disciples often find that God’s guidance leads to greater abundance. When have you seen this in your life?

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

The fifth Sunday after Epiphany continues to highlight unlikely instruments and circumstances appointed to reveal God’s glory. “Who will go for us?” God asks. A person of unclean lips, a former persecutor of the church of God, and three fishermen who couldn’t catch a thing. More surprising still, perhaps, is that we are also called.

A Quote From Fr. Richard Rohr

You are created in the image of God from the very beginning. This is the basis for God’s justice: Since everyone is made in the image of God, then we need to recognize, honor, and respect the image of God in everyone.
No exceptions.