Making Faith Connections

Making Faith Connections Groups
There are now multiple small groups and locations for Making Faith Connections.
Sundays @ 9:50am
Facilitated by Rich Neely
Located at COH
Sundays @ 1:30pm
Facilitated by Jan Wormwood
Located at COH
Thursdays @ 1:00pm
Facilitated by Sheri Phillips
Located at group members homes
Wednesdays @ 6:30pm
Self-lead group
Located at COH
Thursdays @ 1:00pm
Facilitated by Jan Anderson and Lois Caipen
Only over Zoom
The Faith Connection groups on
Sunday Morning at 9:50am
Wednesday Night at 6:30pm
Are designed as drop-in opportunities for those who are interested.
For Specific information or questions about these groups please contact
RC Jordan at

Sunday worship experiences will form the basis for small group conversations offered to deepen the faith walk through this new season of growth.
If you are interested in trying out a small group opportunity this year, contact RC Jordan at
or 505-897-0047 for more information.
We have several options, and room for you to come and grow with us. Invite your friends as well!
The Mission of Cross of Hope Making Faith Connections Groups:
To provide an opportunity for all people to share Christ’s love and authentic community in a small group setting where lives are transformed through growth in faith and service to others.